Warranty / Evaluation Protocol
In the event that there is a need for you to have your fuel device(s)
inspected and or re-evalued by the factory to see if the products
operation is a defect in "our" workmanship and or material, the
following protocol will apply if in warranty (original period or optional periods):
1 - In the event that the unit(s) returned for re-inspection/evaluation
is our "fault", we will repair/replace whatever unit(s) need attention
and ship back to you ASAP at NO CHARGE if in warranty (original period or optional periods)...
You will mail directly to our private lab for the inspection/evaluation
process (prepaid):
The Energy Group
c/o Warranty Evalue Lab
(full address given later)
2 - In the event that our inspection/evaluation of the unit(s) malfunctions
stated by you is NOT OUR FAULT and is one of tampering, abuse, mis-use, etc.
on your part (and out of warranty completely), (which would VOID the warranty completely) we will send you
a "notice of receipt" that the unit(s) in question need to be repaired/replaced
and at what the cost to you would be, before proceeding any further. There will
be a separate evaluation/inspection charge of $400.oo (4 Hrs time) to inspect
and evaluate + the additional charge to repair/replace.
2a - once you receive our "notice of receipt" that it needs to be repaired/replaced
and at what costs, we will wait for your remittance (certified check/money order)
before proceeding any further... If we do not hear from you by 30 days of sending
you this notice, we will NOT return to you the unit(s) sent and forward to our
recycler for disposal.
3 - You are always to use the unit(s) serial number as your "reference number" for
tracking purposes.
IF you have any question concerning this protocol, please contact
Dr George immediately
by email. Thank You for your time and attention.