Fuel Consumption / Emissions Analyses
Client: US DEPT HUD / Housing Authority
Locale: New Jersey
Facility: Main Building Boilers - dual-fueled previously (installation on diesel only)
A - Initial Analyses - Payback Period (4 months)
B - Final 3 year Analyses (with notes)
C - (Facility "1") - Additional savings of $1,600.oo per month for disconnection of
natural gas service (connect fee).
The annual savings ($19,200) is "not"
included in the final analyses. This additional savings would be above/beyond
what has been stated in our report (item B).
"Dr George" J Molteni - CEO
Dated this date of 16-Sep-04
Signed off/accepted by executive management on Sept 22, 2004
Facility "1":
Duel Fueled (now only diesel)
2 - 3/4 inch units (D-12)
2 - 101 HP Boilers
(analyses above)

Facility "2":
Natural Gas
2 - 2 inch units (G-120F)
14 Hydrotherm units
Facility "3":
Natural Gas
1 - 4 inch unit (G140F)
10 Hydrotherm units
